“The Beauty of Baroque” is the October 6th Finale to the 21st Season of “Great Music on Sundays @5”

Frederick Jodry

The Beauty of Baroque (Louis & François Couperin and Johann Sebastian Bach, music from France and Germany) is the October 6th Finale to the 21st Season of “Great Music on Sundays @5” at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown.

Two of the most prolific musical families in history were the Couperins and the Bachs; four generations of Couperins served French kings and seven generations of Bachs worked in central Germany. Harpsichord music by Louis and François Couperin will be played and Bach’s beloved Italian concerto will be included as well. Bach organ music will include chorale preludes and the Fugue in E-flat, the St. Anne.

Keyboard virtuoso, Frederick Jodry, presents the finale to the 21st season of “Great Music on Sundays @5” with a combination of the stately sound of the historic 1850 Holbrook tracker organ and the tender beauty of the harpsichord.


Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown – 236 Commercial Street (508)487-9344)

Sunday, October 6, 2019 @ 5pm

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