Welcome to Support the Arts 2020
By Kevin Kennison**** We, as Americans, live in a participatory democracy. Let’s all participate. Get your circle and extended circle to participate and get involved in any way that you and they can. Just like this great country, this blog will take a village. I volunteer to guide the way and I look forward to a citizenry as vocal and as passionate as I am about the life blood of our society, The Arts. And in particular, arts funding so that all Americans, urban and rural, the coasts and everywhere in between, will have access to the arts in their communities and in their schools. I firmly believe that if we can expose every child to the arts at a young age and have consistency throughout their schooling in fine arts, music, dance and theatre, they will thrive, build confidence and self expression, understand empathy and team work, think creatively and critically and be able to better excel academically and socially. Children need this now more than ever. And so does our society in order to have a future.
Join me and the team at NLE, as we follow and participate in this coming election cycle. We have contacted each candidate and their team and are expecting responses to our inquiry on their stand on The Arts and Arts Funding. Follow us, talk to us and help us build momentum to show each candidate how important this issue is and that this should be a vital part of their platform. I look forward to this and all debate.
Know your Congress people. Engage with your representative in the House. Know your Senators, both on the federal and state levels. Email them when you have something important to say. Better yet, call their office and leave a detailed and informed message if you cannot reach them or their staff. Numbers count. Participate.
Remember: make sure everyone you know is registered to vote. And let’s all do our civic duty, our right and our privilege to VOTE. Let’s all participate in our democracy and keep it that way.
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