The Tony Award-winning tribal love rock musical, Hair, presented by Peregrine Theatre Ensemble, will conclude its highly successful run with tonight’s performance,Friday, September 7, at Fishermen Hall, 12 Winslow Street, Provincetown.
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the original 1968 Broadway production and the 15th Anniversary of the Provincetown Theater Company production of 2003. Hair, with book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot, is directed and choreographed by Kyle Pleasant. The production team includes Christopher Heilman, Scenic Design; Gifford Williams, Lighting Design and Seth Bodie, Costume Design.
Peregrine’s Executive Director, Adam Berry, says, “In our current social and political climate the musical Hair is absolutely relevant and its message is extremely powerful. Young men and women of America standing up for what they believe, protesting, creating change and fighting for what is right, is as much in the forefront of today’s news as it was during the 1960’s. We are overwhelmingly excited to reintroduce this material to our audiences and showcase such an iconic musical score.”
Peregrine Theatre Ensemble is a project of the Provincetown Community Compact, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All contributions to Peregrine are tax tax-deductible.
Tickets to Hair are available here.